Recently we've seen a very fascinating, unconventional and inspiring polish film called ,,Suicide room”. We haven't expected that the story intrigued us so much that we decide to share our reflections with you. When we left the cinema we were so shocked and thrilled that we couldn't say a word to express our feelings. After watching the movie we knew only one's really great material to describe right here.
Jan Komasa's film was being prepared for a really long time because a large part of it is the animation. This is an innovative film, which uses a 3D technique. The result is an amazing, impressive and visually attractive film. The author combined the real world and virtual one.
This is the story of a teenager who seems to live in an ideal world, pamper wealthy parents who fulfilling all desires, successes at school...he is going to have final secondary school exams. Unfortunately it turns out that it's not enough...
Dominik is a sensitive boy who during his prom discovers that he is a gay. Soon his life is completely changing. Rejected by peers he doesn't find support and understanding in his parents.
The only thing that allows him to get away from the reality is a virtual world of avatars. The suicide room is a place where Dominik is finding comprehension. In this avatars world he finds a soulmate. Sylwia wants to kill herself and she realizes that she needs his help to do it. Dominik doesn't have a suicidal tendencies but through his fascination of sylwia he becomes a member of suicide room group and he begins to consider committing suicide. Each day he becomes more isolated from a real world. Closed for several days in his room he refuses to exit. His parents are not aware the danger around him. They decide to ask for help of a psychologist. His actions force Dominik to make a difficult choice...
The film shows the problems of adolescence, e.g. isolation, youthful rebellion, sexual diversity and problems with communicating with parents. It also reminds us that without support and help from family, friends, teachers and sometimes professionals like psychologists we are not able to overcome diseases such us nervous breakdown or depression. We are human beings and we need other people to live with. Dominik rejected by school mates did not find understanding and consolation in parents. That's why he was closed in a virtual world of avatars who paid much attention to him and introduce him to the world of the future of young suicides.
How does the story ends?...
We don't want to tell you everything, we just would like to encourage to watch this movie which can provide you lots of unforgettable experience and force you to rethink some important issues.
3 komentarze:
Film wydaje się kontrowersyjny, ale skoro mówicie, że warto go obejrzeć, to może rzeczywiście powinnyśmy wybrać się do kina. Tematyka jak najbardziej na czasie, a co więcej- mogąca wnieść coś wartościowego do naszego życia.
widziałam Sale Samobójców w niedzielę, tak głośno ostatnio o tym filmie, że po prostu trzeba było pójść i zobaczyć... Film robi wrażenie, rzeczywiście wstrząsa i myślę, że przede wszystkim dociera do młodzieży - i tu duży plus dla Komasa, naprawdę ogromny. Bo tak poza tym film pozostawia dużo do życzenia..:-) ale animacja cudeńko, oczu oderwać nie mogłam:-)
To prawda animacja...chylę czoła przed wykonawcą:)Fakt, sądzę, że temat jest bliski młodzieży i dobrze, że powstał film, który go porusza na szeroką skalę! Bowiem jest to problem ogólnoświatowy i trzeba o nim głośno mówić, kto wie, może to uratuje komuś życie?
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