It is quite common for children of about three or four years to have an imaginary friend. This may be another child, a magical person or an animal. Sometimes the imaginary friends change as the child grows older.

Often children who have an imaginary friend are the only child in the family or the oldest one. Having an imaginary friend does not mean that your child is lonely. They are usually creative, imaginative children.

As the child grows up the real world takes over and by the time the child is going to school the imaginary friend usually just quietly disappears.

Imaginary friends are a part of normal development and rather than being a problem they can help children to deal with some of stressing situations in their lives.
Sometimes an imaginary friend can help parents to see where a problem is.
  • For example if the imaginary friend is afraid of the dark it is likely that the child is afraid of the dark and learning to manage her fears through the friend. 
  • If the friend is always misbehaving and getting into trouble it may be that the child is having too may rules or punishments.
Sometimes children can use their imaginary friends to avoid doing something they don't want to.
If get on well wit others and also enjoys doing things with you and other children there is not likely to be any problem. If the child continues to choose the friend very often rather than doing things in the real world it is helpful to have a look at what is going on in his life and think about ways to help him enjoy doing real things as well.

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Fifty years ago children of dual nationality parents tended to learn only the language of the country they were living it. Bilingualism was not encouraged as many felt that kearning two languages would slow down the language development of the children. However, research discredited these ideas.

It is now acknowledged that bilingualism is a valuable asset in the development of a child. Apart from the obvious benefits of being able to communicate easily with people of different nationalities, the bilingual child is acquainted with two cultures and thus is better at understanding the viewpoints of other people. This means that having more than one cultural identity heightens your ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes.

So, while the particular usefulness of the language the child speaks depends on how widely spoken they are internationality, in terms of a broader, more abstract value, learning language in advantageous.  

Also, research has found that bilingual children do better at school than those who speak only one language. This has been put up to the fact that bilingual chlidren have more subtle use of language, can analyse and develop better communication skills.

But is it not easy raising these children. Is it better to start teaching a child a second language from birth with the father speaking to the child in one language and the mother in the other. But young children are often embarrased if one parents speaks to them in foreign language whem they are with their friends. They feel it sets them apart from their peers at an age when they want to conform. Also, some children rebel against the mionority language which makes the parent who speaks it feel rejected and it can upset family relationship.

Yet the benefits outweight the disadvantages.

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Just a short note about how can we use a blog and why is it worth creating.

-You can share materials, news, links to interesting websites
Everything you put on the blog will be immediately available on the net.

-Blogging allows Internet users to discuss and collaborate online
People can easily respond to blog entries and discuss the issues through comments and forums.

-You can put on the blog video materials and media presentations
Blog becomes more attractive and the information contained are easier assimilate.

-Collect feedback
You can thus use the ideas of others, work to improve your blog and also it's content.

We would like to encourage you to try to create a blog because blogging is not only about sharing information and writing about something new (not always so important or useful content). But it also can help you to develop your skills and to present a bit of your personality. This way of expressing yourself can be very addictive and can bring you lots of fun! So...go for it! Enjoy yourself.

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Most of us use the Internet to find many vital information because it's the easiest, fastest and most comfortable way. That's why the net is becoming more aimed at the education. There are more and more educational websites which help people to find some inspiring and indispensable knowledge.
Free education provides lots of educational materials such as books, courses, lesson plans and others. What is interesting, it can only bring benefits because you don't have to pay for it, all these materials are free and you have the full right to use it. The main purpose of this project is to equal educational opportunities and combating digital inequalities. ,,Modern Poland” foundation tries to realize the idea of free education through some interesting projects.

Up till now this foundation has produced several projects such as:
  • free books
  • free covers
  • free readings
  • reading by listening

These projects encourage people to create their own books and covers, enable to look up necessary content and information. We can find there books to read and to listen segregated according to various criteria. From my point of view, projects like this are needed and give the opportunity to equal chances. What is more everybody can use these materials, no matter if you are a student or a teacher. It seems to be very curious and let you to gain various, necessary knowledge from such websites.


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